Recapping the 2024 Optics Fling

Recapping the 2024 Optics Fling

Time and Optics6/ 5/24

May 31 & June 1, 2024

Optics Fling 2024 was well attended.

Thanks to everyone that came out and made our event another successful Fling!

The field trips were well received with most field trips being completely filled on Saturday and mostly filled on Friday.

The Barn Owl location was a highlight like usual and was timed just right as one bird fledged at the end of the week!

Mohican field trips lead by Kent Miller, John Cefus, Bruce Glick and others were also a success.

The live birds by: Ohio Bird Sanctuary on Friday and Medina Raptor Center on Saturday were a great crowd- pleaser as usual.

A total of 140 species were found in the Bobolink Area during the Optics Fling from the field trips, and the Race-4-Birds participants.

Race-4-Birds was another success, Saturday morning 3 teams started birding in a competition effort to see which team would see or hear the most species of birds in The Bobolink Area till 12:00 noon. All team members are from age 10-21.

The Blackburnians came in at 130 species, The Golden Eagles came in at 125 species and the Speeding Scoters came in at 124 species. All a great total and effort! A total of $804.00 was raised by sponsorship and pledges for the (R-4-B) which will be donated to The Bobolink Young Birds Group which has a membership of over 100 members!

Because of Richard Crossley the Optics Fling Race-4-Birds was started a number of years ago already, so a great thanks goes to MR Crossley!

The presentations by Bruce Glick on Friday and Kent Miller on Saturday were both a great success as well. With a seating of over 100 pretty much filled both days. A big applause to both presenters. Both presenters presented in a way that made us all want to learn and explore more of our great Bobolink Area.

And last but not least a big Thank You to all of our sponsors who not only came to support our small event but also for the wonderful items donated for our raffle item giveaways.

Elite Sponsors:

  • Time & Optics,Ltd
  • Swarovski
  • Vortex
  • Zeiss
  • Kowa
  • Hawke
  • Vanguard
  • Leica

Barn Owl Sponsors:

  • Nikon
  • Opticron
  • GPO
  • Bushnell

Robert Hershberger
Time & Optics, Ltd

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